Big Favorite: Jenny Cooper

Posted by Eleanor Turner

Name: Jenny Cooper

Claim-to-Fame: I invented the Egg Boat. But also, I founded IXV Coffee, a zero waste coffee shop in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn. 

Relationship to TBF or how you know Eleanor:  I worked in J.Crew Design at the same time Eleanor did. 

Bio, tell us a little bit about you and IXV:  IXV was founded after decades in garment design, after witnessing the trash produced and every day I would bring my reusable cup and metal bowl of salad and felt that that was all I could do to reduce consumption.  When I left J.Crew I just wanted to sit down and have a cup of coffee.  Which led to a delicious, less trashy coffee of course.

What’s your favorite thing about The Big Favorite? The pairing of circularity and style. 

Jenny Cooper in the Hand-Dyed Turtleneck

"I rally around a future of clean air, clean water, environmental and food justice. That may involve the eradication of Capitalism and its patriarchal systems that have dirtied the world to benefit a small group of white men."

Quickie Q’s:

Go-to underwear fit: Undyed Bikinis

Favorite TBF item you've worn:  The Hand-Dyed Turtleneck in Lavender!!!!

How do you handle a wedgie? What’s that? I’ve got too many granny panties. 

What’s your favorite word for butt? Tuschy.

Favorite word for underwear? Undies.

Have you ever forgotten your underwear on a trip? If so, what did you do?

No I don’t think so, and then you’d just wash the same pair every night right? Ok maybe I have.

Jenny Cooper of IXV Coffee in The Big Favorite

Let’s Go Deep:

How long have you been aware that your purchases have a greater impact? 

I still don’t know they do but what else can we do, promote trash?

What role does the environment play in your shopping choices?

100%.  I consider end of life and trash produced with every purchase.  I may decide I have no choices, but I still consider it.

What role does the environment play in your work? 

Everything.  Every choice I make for running the coffee shop is with the environment at top of mind and if I don’t know the answer, I ask.

What do you want your legacy to be? What impact are you hoping to make?

I don’t know, I just know that I don’t want to create any more waste, trash and destruction.  I innately think small, and cant really wrap my head around large numbers so all I can do is take care of my little patch. 

What future do you rally around?

Clean air, clean water, environmental and food justice. That may involve the eradication of Capitalism and its patriarchal systems that have dirtied the world to benefit a small group of white men.

  Jenny Cooper of IXV Coffee in The Big Favorite