How Do We Really Save The Planet as Individuals?

Posted by Eleanor Turner

In a world where corporate giants, massive industries, and loud influencers seem to drive the environmental narrative, it can feel overwhelming to think about how one person can make a difference. Yet, there is a transformative approach that doesn’t involve taking these behemoths head-on. Instead, what if we turned inward?

What’s The Real Issue?

People are the stewards of this planet, and the state of the Earth reflects the state inside of us all. To truly heal the planet, we have to heal ourselves. This key insight was the catalyst to our own brand evolution at The Big Favorite. We aim to awaken people to the power of choice and then provide a better one – comfortable, versatile, plastic-free knitwear, and a vision for a better future. We open the gateway to authenticity, and a life driven by your biggest, highest, and most favorite calling. Why is that important?

Cutting Out Unnecessary Consumption

To effectively contribute to a healthier planet, it’s essential to first understand ourselves. Self-discovery is not just a personal journey; it’s a foundational step in environmental stewardship. By reflecting on who we are, what we value, and what inspires us, we set the stage for making choices that align with our deepest principles, and that’s what will cut out the unnecessary consumption.

  1. Authenticity As Your Personal Style

    Authenticity is about being true to who you are, without pretense or compromise. It means aligning your actions, values, and words with your genuine self, even when it's difficult or unpopular. When you're authentic, you don't seek approval or validation; instead, you embrace your individuality and trust your inner compass, letting competition become unimportant. In a world filled with noise, authenticity is a quiet but powerful form of integrity that directly rebels against the system seeking to keep you insecure and out of alignment with yourself.

  2. What Resonates With You?

    Our values are the compass that guides our actions. When we clearly define what matters to us — in terms of what makes us happy, what is our style, what do we gravitate toward naturally every day — we create a framework for making conscious choices. Identifying our passions helps us engage with causes that resonate with us on a soul level.

  3. Defining Success on Our Own Terms

    Success is often measured by conventional standards — wealth, status, and consumption. Redefining success on our own terms can lead to a much more sustainable lifestyle. Success can be measured in other metrics - like how many people or animals you help, how many trees you plant, how many times you say no to fast fashion, how many hours you have to dedicate to your hobbies. By aligning our personal vision of success with our values, we create a path that is unique to us.

The Internal Compass as a Consumption Filter

Once we have a clear sense of our values and passions, we can use start to craft our own authentic self and the goals we have for our lives. There is so much power in knowing this information for ourselves. We can pursue our own definition of success, our own authentic path, which is a direct rebellion of the system. Competition falls away and is no longer relevant. When you know deeply what is most important to you, you inherit the ability to prioritize and in that, deprioritize along with it.

The Ripple Effect

While individual actions might seem small in the face of global challenges, they create a ripple effect that will inherently inspire others. Living according to our values and living in our own authenticity encourages friends, family, and communities to pursue similar action. Our collective efforts can amplify the impact of our individual actions and bring balance back to the planet. It’s time to go within.

A great book recommendation that we’re reading now: The Heroine’s Journey by Maureen Murdoch, more on her work here.